
Blockchain - Introduction

Following gives a simple layman definition of Blockchain A shared ledger (record of collection of  transactions). It contains all transaction taken place since beginning and are publicly accessible to everyone. Stored on a distributed environment using the peer-to-peer technologies Blockchain network ensure that multiple nodes can securely communicates with each other Whoever opt to participate in the blockchain network will have a copy complete ledger / blockchain There are many blockchain available which share some common properties but works in a different way however the first and the most prominent blockchain is Bitcoin. Understanding bitcoin is recommended to understand basic concept of blockchain. By learning underlying technology of bitcoin, we can learn of how blockchain technology works and it can allow us to understand other blockchain technologies. Following details the high level concept of Bitcoin blockchain.  A Bitcoin blockchain is the ledger o...

Android development - Adding scrollbar in your activity

Adding scroll bar in your activity in your mobile application can be done easily. e.g. You have main layout for your mobile application as below < LinearLayout xmlns: android = "" xmlns: tools = "" android :layout_width= "fill_parent" android :layout_height= "fill_parent" tools :context= "com.learning.course.letslearn.MainMenu" android :orientation= "vertical" android :layout_weight= "100" android :layout_marginLeft= "15dp" android :layout_marginRight= "15dp" android :layout_marginTop= "15dp" > ............. ............. ............. </ LinearLayout> Enclosing this with scroll view will ensure that whenever screen have less vertical space an scroll bar will be displayed xml version= "1.0" encoding= "utf-8" ?> < Scroll...

How To hide windows title bar in your android application

Perform following steps In your style file (app\src\main\res\values\styles.xml)  add following lines. This will create another theme with NotTitle < style name= "FullscreenTheme" parent= "AppTheme" > < item name= "windowNoTitle" >true</ item > </ style > Apply newly created style/theme to your activity using application manifest file ( app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml) as shown in highlighted text ..... < activity android :name= ".MainMenu" android :theme= "@style/FullscreenTheme" > < intent-filter > < action android :name= "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> < category android :name= "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> </ intent-filter > </ activity > ......

Android Studio - Taking screen shot using android emulator

You might need to take screenshot our application for various purpose e.g. Presentation etc. You may follow below steps to capture screenshot of your application in Android Emulator. Run project and select already configured emulator From Emulator screen click on screen capture button ("Camera icon") to capture screen as shown below After taking snapshot you may access this using Android monitor. Click on camera icon as shown below Once you click camera icon it will open screen shot as shown below and you can click save button to copy snapshot to your disk

Java IDE for Grail Development

Choosing the right IDE in java development is important as it will directly impact your development. following are few famous IDEs available for java 1. Intelli J 2. Eclipse For me Intelli J only worked if you have ultimate edition. Though I like IntelliJ but Eclipse looks better option for me. Assuming that JDK is already installed (Please see earlier post related to JDK install for more details) Assuming that grails is already installed (Please see earlier post related to grails install for more details) In order to run it with eclipse first download STS STS installation is a copy paste install unzip the file and it wil have everything. run sts.exe    cd %grails_home%    cd   grails integrate-with --eclipse grails compile grails download-sources-and-javadocs grails sts-link-sources-and-javadocs

Grails - Introduction

I would like to give you a little introduction of grails in newbie term. If you have decided to start doing web development or learning web development in java then Grails is for sure an good candidate for you to pick and learn Grails provide the framework based on following 1. Hibernate - ORM layer 2. Groovy Server Pages - Presentation/Web layer 3. Spring - Controller layer Why I started to learn grails has a different reason ;) but would suggest techies to just have a look if you choose to go with Java Web Project and would like to reduce some development time

Mobile Application - Change Icon using android Studio

Use below step to change icon of your mobile application using Android Studio. Open your android application project in android studio On res folder right click and select new image asset             3.Select asset type as image and browse to select the new icon file         4.Android studio will warn you of a file override. Click finish to continue